These are the "Beta" versions of the cards, but we're already ahead of schedule on design and printing prototypes!
The honest answer is that the cost to make decks by class would be too high. Only huge companies like WotC can afford to do that
The honest answer is that there is probably not enough public demand for spells above 4th or 5th level
We'll have to see if enough people hear about the kickstarter and pledge
You will be getting so many cards that you will be getting a 4-pack of cards! (50 cards per deck box)
You can also buy our Treasure Chest card holder box, and the cards will be placed inside the treasure chest!
Yes! Absolutely!
Yes they do!
We will be selling them in the kickstarter, and in the store, and the price will be as low as we can get it!
After the Kickstarter
Professional card stock is measured in GSM. Thin & flimsy poker cards are 295, or maybe even 305 or 315 GSM.
Our cards are the thickest card stock available without custom-made card stock (highly costly to you)
We plan to sell Critical Cards for the foreseeable future
The truthful answer is that we don't know because of the costs of ongoing manufacturing and maintenance of a sales store
Your best bet is to pledge to the kickstarter
The answer is probably, "Yes". We will never promise something we cannot deliver on, and we don't know the ongoing cost of ordering small batches of chests.
Your best bet is to pledge to the kickstarter.
Yes! Wizards of the Coast has an OGL (Open Gaming License)that allows for certain products to be made, using some of their intellectual properties.
These spells are in the OGL! Yay!
No. WotC has some spells in their new books that are not in the OGL (Open Gaming License).
No card product out there, that is printing the cards legally, can have these spells without a special license directly from Wizards of the Coast
Possibly! If the product is a huge success, we may be able to get a license from Wizards of the Coast to be able to make the restricted spells via a special license with them